11 tips to improve your email marketing in 2022

You can boost your marketing and increase revenue with the improved Email marketing technique. Due to the increase in video content consumption, Email marketing is not dead yet. It is more popular and increases cold lead to hot lead. Once the hot lead is created, these customers become more liable to their products.

So Without wasting much time, here are the 11 tips to improve your email marketing in 2022.

#1CTA above the fold.

When customers open your email, everything they need to take action should be visible without having to scroll.


#2 – Optimize email design for mobile.

60-80% of your email opens are likely to happen on mobile.

If you ignore mobile formatting… You ignore over half of your customers.


#3- Make your content skimmable.

Your customers are busy.

Everyone is. Get to the point.

This applies to subject lines, email content, CTAs, etc.

Use formatting and sizing to guide your readers’ eyes through the email.


#4- Automate emails for key lifecycle events.


Abandon cart

Abandon browse

New prospect onboarding

New customer onboarding

Repeat purchase (2nd order)

Repeat purchase (3rd order) These are all must-haves & provide a steady stream of $$$

#5- Segment offers by LTV (lifetime value).

Bucket subscribers by:

• High LTV

• Low LTV

• No purchases Send less generous offers to the high LTV group. Be more aggressive with low LTV & non-buyers.

#6- Personalize

You’ll get better engagement when the reader feels like you are speaking directly to them.

Use their name and other unique variables (like past purchases) to stand out in their inbox.

#7- Set up campaign exclusions.

No opens in the last xx days

Has ordered in the last xx days Knowing who NOT to message is just as important as targeting.

It ensures you don’t send conflicting messages & cleans out the unengaged.

#8 – Don’t remove unengaged users entirely.

Yes, it is essential to keep your lists clean.

But don’t forget to message your less engaged customers 1x per month. Save your best content/offers for these customers to win them back.

#9- Promos.

One of the biggest needle movers for revenue growth. Nothing is more powerful than sending the right offer at the right time.

#10- Send reminder emails

If your average open rate is ~25%, that means 75% of your list is not reading your email. It wasn’t the right time. More touchpoints = higher chance of conversion Automate reminders with fresh content. Applies for both ads and email.

source: rightideacreative.com

#11- A/B test everything.

If you’re not testing, you’re missing an opportunity to learn about your customers.

• CTAs

• Email copy

• Email design

• Subject lines

• Target audience It extends to all aspects of your business.

Never stop learning.

11 tips to improve your email marketing:

1/ CTA above the fold

2/ Optimize for mobile

3/ Make it skimmable

4/ Automate key lifecycle events

5/ Segment by LTV

6/ Personalize

7/ Set up exclusions

8/ Don’t remove unengaged users

9/ Promos

10/ Reminder emails

11/ A/B test

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